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Showing 1 - 3 of 3 search results for: carry over
What if I take more credits than are required for the year?
Each calendar year, attorneys may carry over up to 10 credit hours to satisfy the requirements of the following year, provided that no more than five of the credit hours may be earned through self-study programs as defined in Rule 5(h)(1)(B). The mandatory live credit requirements of Rule 5(c)(2) must be satisfied for each reporting period. All carry over credits are general credits. The ethics and H&D credit requirement must be completed each calendar year. Excess ethics and H&D credit cannot satisfy your requirement for the subsequent year. -
If I take more H&D credits than required will it count towards my other requirements?
Yes. If you have already earned a H&D credit within the calendar year any subsequent H&D credit you earn will be applied towards your outstanding general OR ethics requirement. If you have already met all your requirements your excess H&D credit will carry over to the next year as a general credit subject to the limit of 10 carry over credits. -
If I take more ethics credits than required will it count towards my other requirements?
Yes. If you have already earned an ethics credit within the calendar year any subsequent ethics credit you earn will be applied towards your outstanding general requirement. It will NOT cover your H&D requirement. If you have already met your general credit requirement your excess ethics credit will carry over to the next year as a general credit subject to the limit of 10 carry over credits.